MyDivorcePapers Blog

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The No. 1 Cause Of Divorce Isn’t Really Financials

You’ve heard it said that more often than not people choose to file for divorce over financial issues. While a close second may be infidelity or an even longer list of reasons, the reality is that none of these things are truly the biggest cause of divorce. So just what…

13 Post-Divorce Observations: Looking At The Bright Side

After you have decided to file for divorce, you’re going to find that many things about life are different, and not always in a bad way. In fact, once the initial sting of the breakup fades, you’ll start to see the world through other lenses. In a recent Reddit thread,…

Why Do People Stay With Their Cheating Spouses?

As someone who decided to file for divorce from a cheating spouse, I often wonder why people choose to stay — why I even chose to stay and attempt reconciliation. As it turns out, many Reddit folks have been asked this question as well, and they recently revealed some of…

George Costanza Would Be Proud: 7 Stupid Breakup Reasons

In the show Seinfeld, the cowardly George Costanza was constantly looking for ways that he could get out of relationships. He liked the idea of finding the perfect woman, but ran away from commitment with the speed of an Usain Bolt. On television, these reasons for breakups or divorce papers…

Vacations Don’t Save Marriages: Then Again, Maybe They’re Not Supposed To

A recent study from the UK family law firm Slater & Gordon found that couples who planned vacations to “save their marriages” attested that the vacation “did more harm than good.” Huffington Post reports that of those in the study, “40 percent of the 2,128 married and divorced British couples…

Men, Why Did You Want A Divorce?

Recently, the divorced men of Reddit were asked to share their reasons as to why they decided to file for divorce. While the thread held a number of eye-opening responses that are worthy of consideration in evaluating your own reasons for a divorce, here were some of our favorites. 1.…

5 Lessons Children Of Divorce Learn That Make Them More Resilient

Children whose parents have decided to file for divorce often get a lot of unwanted sympathy. While the rest of the world feels sorry for them, they tend to be more resilient through the lessons learned from their parents’ split. While it isn’t always true, and children of divorce do…

Neil Young Divorce Highlights Warning Signs Of A Grey Divorce

Neil Young and Pegi, his wife of 36 years, have decided to file for divorce after 36 years of marriage. The decision comes as quite a surprise to those of us who’ve observed them throughout the course of Young’s decades-long career. The “Heart of Gold” singer submitted divorce papers on…

Marijuana Use Cuts Chances Of Domestic Violence [Study]

While researchers have generally indicated that substance abusers are at a higher risk of deciding to file for divorce, a new study finds a positive outcome of marijuana use. According to the study, those who do light up cannabis are less likely to have instances of domestic violence, one of…

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