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Category Archives: Same-Sex Marriage

The Dark Side of Same-Sex Marriage: Attorney Shares

New Jersey divorce lawyer John Patti recently went on the record with CBS New York to discuss the “dark side” of same-sex marriage, which is pretty much the “dark side” for all marriages — divorce. There has been such a heavy emphasis placed on the marriage side of the equation,…

July 1st, 2015 Same-Sex Marriage

Same-Sex Divorce: Far From Equal

While many advancements have been made for same-sex couples in the last year, there are two that are still a long way off, and short of a US Supreme Court decision, they may never actually happen. First, most states still do not accept same-sex marriage or recognize them in any…

August 7th, 2013 Divorce Settlement, Same-Sex Marriage

Same-Sex Divorce Troubles

The right for same-sex couples to marry is dependent on the state they live in, and so is their right to file for divorce. If they live in a state opposed to their marriage, the alternative to a court-approved divorce is dealing with the expensive costs of civil lawsuits just…

May 16th, 2013 Divorce Law, Same-Sex Marriage

Israeli Court Grants First Ever Same-Sex Divorce

Divorce has long been widely accepted and embedded into the social culture of the United States. But in other cultures, especially in many Middle Eastern countries, the idea of divorce is very much taboo. Marriage is considered sacred in many cultures, but very much so in the Jewish and Islamic…

December 5th, 2012 Divorce Law, Same-Sex Marriage

Gay Marriage & the 2012 Election

Gay marriage, a hotly debated and deeply emotionally-charged subject, has once again come to the forefront on election night. Depending on your definition of marriage, marriage equality, regardless of sexual preference, took a huge step forward last night. For the first time in American history, a ballot measure to legalize…

November 7th, 2012 Divorce Law, Same-Sex Marriage

The Battle to Define Marriage Continues in NY

Gender, equality, and same-sex marriage have been amorphous topics throughout our modern times.  When it comes to laws and court rulings, these topics have gained social traction. With the Obama administration changing its stance in support of gay marriage, now seems the time when supporters would have the most leverage.…

October 1st, 2012 New York Divorce, Same-Sex Marriage

Lesbian Couple who fought for Marriage….now getting Divorced

Happily ever after, as we all come to realize at some point, simply does not exist. There are many facets of life in which we invest so much of ourselves in one time or another. Only to find that the fire of something we felt so vehemently has slowly subsided.…

September 17th, 2012 Divorce Process, Same-Sex Marriage
Texas Divorce Law

Texas Divorce Law- Gay Divorce Battleground?

Melissa Etheridge has been making headlines with her statement, “I’m for gay divorce.” Although the sentence appears to be against the values of a gay rights advocate, but her recent campaign is fueled by Etheridge’s personal experience. On April 15th, 2010, Etheridge and her partner Tammy Lynn Michaels announced they…

September 10th, 2012 Divorce Law, Same-Sex Marriage, Texas Divorce

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