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Category Archives: Divorce Forms Service

Firing Your Divorce Attorney

Firing Your Divorce Attorney: Know The Signs, And Have A Little Faith In You

Graduating law school does not a good attorney make — this, according to a new piece from Huffington Post contributor Caroline Choi. Choi herself is a family law attorney, so she has a bit of a right to speak on the subject. As an online divorce service, we find her…

October 16th, 2013 Divorce Forms Service, Do It Yourself Divorce

“How to File for Divorce in Arkansas” YouTube video officially released

MyDivorcepapers is proud and excited to announce the recent release of our video on the YouTube titled How to file Arkansas Divorce Forms online. This is just one of many in our video series delving into each state’s specific laws and procedures – helping to prepare you easily file for…

September 11th, 2012 Arkansas Divorce, Divorce Forms Service, Divorce Videos

Online Divorce Forms and Divorce Attorneys

Despite all the benefits of an online divorce, there are still some hangers-on that think the best way to handle their divorce is to hire a lawyer.  What many of these people do not know is that hiring an attorney to handle your divorce can be just as scary as…

August 14th, 2012 Divorce Forms Service, Divorce Process, Online Divorce
How To File For Divorce Online

How To File For Divorce Online

The decision to get a divorce is never an easy one, but there’s no reason to make it any harder than you need to. The fastest and most painless way to get an uncontested divorce is to file for divorce online. Here’s how: The first step when filing for divorce…

July 17th, 2012 Divorce Forms Service, Do It Yourself Divorce, Online Divorce

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