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Monthly Archives: May 2013

After Divorce: Staying Together for the Business

It might be fun to work professionally with your husband or wife, but what happens if you divorce? Awkward. I can imagine tensions running high as unspoken anger and resentment threaten to blow up the building. However, especially when spouses own a business together, staying professionally involved after filing for…

May 30th, 2013 Life After Divorce

Wedding Therapy: Cure for Pre- and Post-Wedding Jitters?

We’ve all heard of pre-wedding jitters. Getting married is loaded with meaning and weighed down by a not so distant conjoined future. Many chalk up the jitters to wanting the wedding to go smoothly and exactly as planned down to every detail. But more often than not, cold feet are…

May 29th, 2013 Marriage Problems & Advice

How Social Technology Affects Relationships

The miracle of social media, texting, and other forms of electronic communication has given us infinite opportunities  to talk to each other faster and easier. But as with most things in life, moderation is key. While interactions with these tools are not bad in and of themselves, when social technology…

May 28th, 2013 Divorce and Social Media, Marriage Problems & Advice

Marriage Fantasies Versus Realities

“It is very common for people to futilely jump from relationship to relationship (and marriage to marriage) trying to find the unrealistic fantasy whenever the reality starts to sway from it,” says licensed social worker, Nathan Feiles. He is referring to the preconceived notions people inevitably bring into a marriage,…

May 24th, 2013 Marriage Problems & Advice

Divorce Guilt Trips and Falls

Feelings of guilt and avoidance of guilt are powerful motivators. In some divorce cases, they even motivate a filer to lie or exaggerate marital conflicts for the sake of feeling less guilty about dissolving the marriage. As difficult and provoking as a divorce can be, keeping it a quiet, uncontested…

May 22nd, 2013 Divorce Process

Mindfulness in the Face of Divorce

Out of all the trials we might endure in life, divorce is one of the toughest. Losing a spouse through the divorce process, even if it was desired, is comparable to losing a loved one to death, since you go from seeing that person every day to almost never, in…

May 20th, 2013 Life After Divorce

A Marriage Agreement and Business Contract

What if a marriage contract also came with a signed agreement stating chore delegation? Some argue it would solve much angst that results from one spouse (usually the wife) taking on the bulk of homemaking and childcare. That stress can very well lead to filing for divorce, hopefully combined with…

May 17th, 2013 Marriage Problems & Advice

Same-Sex Divorce Troubles

The right for same-sex couples to marry is dependent on the state they live in, and so is their right to file for divorce. If they live in a state opposed to their marriage, the alternative to a court-approved divorce is dealing with the expensive costs of civil lawsuits just…

May 16th, 2013 Divorce Law, Same-Sex Marriage

From Fairytale Weddings to Lavish Divorces

Normally, it’s not the best idea to advise couples to follow the marriage trends of celebrities. But when it comes to actress Keira Knightley’s recent under the radar wedding, that’s exactly what I will help do. Her low-key nuptials in the South of France barely raised a UK pound, let…

May 15th, 2013 Marriage Problems & Advice

GUEST BLOG: The Increasing Rate of Baby Boomers Divorce

From 1990 to 2010, the divorce rate of Americans 50 years old and older increased by 150%. As reflected by U.S. Census data, in 1990 only 10% of divorces involved one or more of the parties being at least 50 years old. By 2010 that number had increased to 25%.…

May 14th, 2013 Grey Divorce

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