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Health Moves to Make Before, During, and After DivorceYour health is one of the first things that can spiral out of control when you or your spouse decides to file for divorce. It takes vigilance and mindfulness of the foods you eat, the decisions you make, and more, to stay on the right path (or get on the right path). Here are some suggestions for the top health moves that you should be making before and after your divorce.


Many times when people decide to file divorce forms, they are taken off guard by the sheer weight of all the responsibilities that loom ahead. As a result, they end up trying to do too much at once. As it turns out, human beings are really bad at multitasking. Therefore, it helps to get laser precision on your focus regarding health. Make it one of your primary goals to lose weight and feel better.

Revamp Your Diet

Many Americans each year who end up getting a divorce turn to junk food and other poor choices with regard to what they put into their bodies. Once you have centered your focus on health and decided to not do more than one thing at a time, you can start planning a meal regimen to ensure that you’re not exceeding calorie counts or taking in a lot of empty calories. (Candy bars and Cokes have to go at this time.)

Incorporate A Daily Exercise Routine

Some fitness experts will tell you to only work out three or four times a week in order to give your body time to rest. However, when you’re getting a divorce, it’s best to plan some kind of heart rate elevating activity every day, Or at least five times a week in succession. You don’t want to do anything that will be so strenuous that it leads to overexertion, but you do want to establish a healthy, fit fitness routine that is easy to follow. After about one full week of light to moderate activity, you can start experimenting with how many days per week you were working out as well as the level of intensity.

Don’t Forget Your Emotional Health

Last but not least, there is the factor of emotional health that you should be paying attention to. If you are able to keep your diet and exercise on track, then you will feel better about yourself internally. But also make time for activities that you enjoy doing throughout the divorce process. That could mean reading a book, watching Netflix, or doing a little shopping (online or brick-and-mortar) provided that you’re not creating financial turmoil for your spouse. Fill your day with as many things that make you happy as possible.

What are some health decisions that you are having (or have had) trouble with due to relationship issues? Share in the comments section.

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