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Custody ArrangementsThere are many factors that affect custody arrangements. The best and most reasonable arrangements should be decided upon by both parents in order for a smooth transition for any children involved. This also eliminates any nasty court hearings and any trauma for children involved. Divorce can be harsh on all involved, making anything more difficult by adding any extra court hearings, lawyers, or fees will only add to the severity of it all, especially in the eyes of a child.

Sometimes this isn’t the case and parents cannot always agree civilly out of court on what is best for their children. If this is the case, and the parents cannot decide amongst themselves, then the case is taken to court. When this happens, the courts will decide on the fate of the children and appropriately allocate child custody.

In determining which parent will gain custody and how much, there are factors in which the courts will decide upon. The age of the child, the physical, the emotional and mental needs of the child, the primary caregiver of the child, and the ability of each parent to meet the child’s needs are all evaluated when the court system decides upon child custody.

Both parents are heavily evaluated too. If the parents are visibly unable to get along and decide upon issues in the best interest of the child, the courts take this into consideration when deciding major factors of custody. The ability for parents to properly care for their children is of great importance to the courts.

Communication is key in allocating and evaluating custody. When parents are amicable and can better put the interest of their child first, then custody is usually awarded in a better and equal manner. For more information about child custody agreements and more, visit our YouTube channel.

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