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Impossibility of Digital Disconnection in DivorceThe phrase “you have to move on” generally is one of the first or second things people say when they try to comfort someone about an emotional schism in their life. Moving on can be applied to many facets of our reality, and some more important than others.  Our psychological makeup as humans compels us to become attached to things, situations, and people. It is also a fact in relationships, as we all know, that break-ups and separations are necessary and unavoidable.


In our modern times, however, complete separation has become more difficult than ever. We are in the age of profiles, photo albums, reminder notifications, and intricate complex programs which are designed to allow us to search, find, and connect with everyone we know or anything we like. As a result, breaking away can become almost digitally impossible. Consequently, divorced couples “moving on” has been rendered infinitely more difficult.

Digitally Fused Phases of Life

You begin a marriage or relationship. Excited, full of wonder, and, more than likely, oblivious to the inevitable real world factors of 2 two people sticking together forever, you post pictures, blogs, and proclaim your relationship across the pixilated landscape of the world wide web. Sites like Facebook, tumblr, Google+, and even email programs allow us to document every emotional and tangible step we take with that special someone. So what happens when it ends? The digital options you have of finishing the chapter oo your relationship can be almost as impossible. Changing your relationship status is one thing, but these programs are smart. In today’s times they are built to anticipate our thoughts, to remember what we like, show us what we might like, and provide us constant reminders of the world we have created around us.

Recycling Imprints of the Past

Gmail can constantly remind a user to suggest including an ex-wife’s email addresses when sending an email. Facebook frequently conjures up moments from your own or another common users’ photo album with “Remember this moment” notifications, allowing an instant flood of memories that were getting hazy to come back crystal clear. What’s more, through the inter-connectivity of social media, email, and other programs, we can’t completely break away from our ex-significant other’s life. Those awkward moments in the real world where chance and coincidence combine in the form of running into your ex now can happen periodically each day. Friends of friends’ photo albums or instagram pics and twitter posts are just games of Russian roulette with your past. “Moving on” has taken on a whole new dynamic in the internet age.

For divorced couples with their past relationship documented online through all of their mutual friends and family members, the guidelines have changed. Even those who attempt to suppress their social life on the internet will find it hard for advanced algorithms calculating who we know and what we link. Divorce is never an easy thing, separating emotionally and physically from a long relationship can be a trying phase in one’s life. Now a whole new digital element has been added to how we cope with past relationships as we look towards the future. Knowing what to expect can help in any divorce situation. Sometimes filing for divorce and taking the first step can hold many of us back. At MyDivorcePapers we have a simple and easy process, complete with all the things you need to know specific to your state to help you begin filing for divorce. Visit today and get the information you need to begin looking positively towards the future, digital profiles and all.

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