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Lesbian Couple who fought for getting DivorcedHappily ever after, as we all come to realize at some point, simply does not exist. There are many facets of life in which we invest so much of ourselves in one time or another. Only to find that the fire of something we felt so vehemently has slowly subsided. The much debated topic of same-sex marriages in the United States was at an all time hot point in 2008 when the supreme court of California passed and equal protection law allowing for same sex couples to be officially recognized as married. One couple who were one of the first same-sex couples to be married, is now filing for divorce in California.

Leading the way

Before their recent divorce filing, Robin Tyler and Diane Olson had been together for 18 years. One of the leading plaintiffs in challenging proposition 8 they were featured on ads and commercials supporting the challenge of the hotly contested ballot proposition. Tyler and Olson shared their unique story with the nation back in 2008. During their years together they went to the Beverly Hills court house each year to request a marriage license, which was repeatedly denied. Finally they were one of the first 14 couples that were able to be officially married in June of 2008.

As a society we have become numb about divorce in the United States. It has become another staple in the American life. However it seems more of a noteworthy instance when a situation like this happens. These 2 women did more for the progression of a certain sect’s rights then any celebrity divorced couple that gets a ridiculous amount of TV coverage. Robin Tyler and Diane Olson were together for 18 years before even getting married. In those times they most likely had to overcome many social obstacles to reach a point of acceptance in today’s society. The vindication they must have felt after years of not allowing their relationship to be recognized as a state had to be supremely satisfying.

Equal in all ways

If anything this is as much a humanizing experience for same sex couples, married or otherwise. Any notion or farfetched belief that same sex couples are not subjected to the ups and downs of a hetero-sexual marriage is just false. We are all human, and all have the same faults and quarks that go into a relationship. Whether we equate ourselves as romantically involved with someone of the same or opposite sex. Same sex couples, like Robin Tyler and Diane Olson, who have been join in marriage will also share in the bitter reality of divorce that comes with a failed relationship.

Overtime, depending on the decisions in each state divorce among same sex couples will be looked at as indifferently as hetero-couples. Divorce does not and will not discriminate. It is still a taxing process. At MyDivorcePapers we understand the emotional toll a divorce can have on a couple and their children  if they are parents, no matter their sexual preference. Our site can help anyone thinking about divorce to get the facts they need and the forms they need to file.

One thought on “Lesbian Couple who fought for Marriage….now getting Divorced

  1. connie harrison

    I hope Robin marries my mom patty as they have been around together for a million years I would like to see my mother have one decent marriage in her life Get married in Niagara Falls Canada so she can see her great grandson


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