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Divorce CoachesA coach is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a private tutor or one  who instructs or trains. So, we would not give a second thought to someone who describes themselves as say, a birthing coach, to aid in a woman’s pregnancy. Living in the 21st century, we probably wouldn’t even bat an eyelid to hear someone call themselves a “Life Coach”. However, the term “Divorce Coach” is one that raises eyebrows and is scarcely used today. This profession is popping up more and more as the divorce rate in the US begins climbing. Most attorneys, financial mediators and psychotherapists are starting to further define themselves as a divorce coach. So, what exactly does the vocation entail, and is there really a need for it?

Coaching Responsibilities

During the process of a divorce, the persons seeking help in the steps to successfully dissolving a marriage will hire a number of different “divorce coaches”, not just one, all versed and experienced in different fields and areas in regards to breaking nuptials. A couple works with several coaches, specializing in areas that range anywhere from finances to co-parenting.

Are Coaches For Everyone?

Those that use divorce coaches, usually use them as a means to vent and to receive advice at a fee that is substantially less than that from a lawyer.However, this shouldn’t be mistaken for actual legal advice, even though many in the industry do have legal backgrounds. Some simply use coaches as a 3rd party voice of reason and rationale. Often times, divorces can be messy and logic goes out the window when decisions are being made.

Hiring A Coach

The key to finding a competent divorce coach is research. The best areas to look for top notch advice and skills that you ideally want your coach to have, should be in, law, finance or counseling. Some divorce coaches do receive specialized training, but if you aren’t careful, you could wind up hiring a divorce coach whose only experience is having been divorced themselves. The industry is still very young, and the notion of a divorce coach still sounds a little outlandish, but if you truly are lost and don’t know where to start in the divorce process, this might be the route you want to go. Be warned, most divorce coaches may not be cheap, but they are effective.

We are not surprised by the recent success of the divorce coach phenomena. As one of the originators and creators for online divorce papers, we have seen how the process of divorce is ever evolving and changes frequently. Not only in the world of technology, but also the public perception of divorce.



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