MyDivorcePapers Blog

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Why You Should Try To Play Nice During Your Divorce: A Case Study

One 78-year-old Joplin, Missouri, woman found love after the death of her second husband after a tornado leveled her city. What’s more unusual than her new love being linked to the incident, however, is who the new love was. The same man from whom she’d decided to file for divorce…

What Every Person In Their Twenties Should Know About Marriage

In a recent article for Huffington Post, contributor Lindsey Ellison takes a look at the “6 Things Young Brides Need To Know About Marriage.” As a man who has had to file for divorce, in part due to age and inexperience, I find it to be must-reading, and a few…

Top 5 Drivers Of Financial Arguments In A Marriage

When it comes to the reasons that couples file for divorce, the oft-repeated leader is finances. But what does that mean? There are so many different aspects of the “financial argument,” and they usually get grouped under the same umbrella. Well, luckily, there is a new study that seeks to…

Polygamy More Accepted Than Infidelity, Divorce Embraced [Poll]

A new poll issued by Gallup on Monday revealed two insights into how people regard divorce and an element that often surrounds it. When people file for divorce, statistics tell us that it’s most often because of finances, but infidelity often plays a major role. In a study on moral…

What People Get Wrong About Divorcees

People definitely have their misconceptions when it comes to people who’ve decided to file for divorce. There are a lot of things out there that are misguided or flat-out wrong, and I’ve got to admit — it took me actually getting a divorce to see it. Before it touched my…

The Worst Words Of Comfort You Can Give Divorced People

When a friend decides to file for divorce or ends up having the papers filed on them, it can be very tempting to impart words of advice in an effort to help them make it through the experience. No one can blame you. In many ways, suffering a divorce is…

Dating A Divorced Person? Make Sure They’ve Learned This Lesson

Recently, Rebecca Stokes of CafeMom’s blog, The Stir, looked at the “7 Good Reasons To Date A Divorced Man.” In the post, Stokes makes a lot of good points, such as: You know he can commit; He might already have kids; He can put other people first; He has experience;…

Suspicion Can Actually Feed Adultery

We’ve talked before about the reasons women cheat on men in a marriage, but what about the other side of the coin? Recently, Yahoo!’s Sherry Amatenstein took aim at the nine reasons behind this action that leads so many wives to file for divorce. Among the most interesting: He doesn’t…

Louis C.K.’s Version Of Divorce Is Inspiring

Louis C.K. is considered the reigning king of standup comedy, but he’s also becoming something of an expert on how to file for divorce and live your life as co-parents the right way. In a recent article on Huffington Post, C.K. had the following to say about his own life…

3 Most Difficult Things About Marriage

Whether you’re considering taking the plunge into matrimony again or you’ve just gone through the process to file for divorce, there is one thing that you’ll probably agree with — marriage is hard. This reality becomes apparent after the honeymoon phase ends, which for some can last as long as…

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