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Child Custody Awarded To Father When Mom Behaves BadlyA nasty divorce that started in Texas back in 2007, has recently ended in Florida…..almost 5 years later. Pastor Norman Quintero and now ex wife Miriam Carolina Quintero have had their divorce finalized and their marriage dissolved in Florida divorce court, according to Palm Beach Judge John Phillips.

Norman who serves as the Senior Pastor at Casa del Alfarero and as Associated Pastor at Centro de Vida churches in Dallas Texas has been in a battle to finalize his divorce for quite some time.”It has been a long process and with many scars left” stated Pastor Quintero upon learning about the court order. This battle started when Quintero filed Texas divorce forms backs in 2007 and then moved to Palm Beach County, Florida in August 2009 when Pastor Quintero relocated to Florida after Miriam’s attempts to destroy his Ministry, Real Estate Offices, and other business interests.

Ex Wife Horror Story

Norman’s estranged wife Miriam Carolina, attempted to kidnap the son that the couple have together, and relocate him to Venezuela without the fathers’ consent. Miriam has also been charged with taking and selling many of Norman’s valuables from the marital property for cash. She was caught emptying the marital bank account and proceeded to vanish for about a year, leaving her child behind. Mrs. Quintero has made numerous public allegations against Pastor Quintero in order to damage his reputation as a man of God and servant to this community. Some of these include claiming domestic violence and having him arrested on a multitude of occasions.

Courtroom Delays and Diversions

As you can see, Norman has had everything on his side in terms of custody and grounds for divorce. However, it took over 5 years because Miriam was never in one place at a time, a common tactic used to stall and delay the divorce process and stall a final divorce judgement. At the announcement of the finalization of the divorce, Norman stated, “I am rejoicing that Judge Phillips recognized on the divorce resolutions that Miriam Carolina has irremediably damaged the good name built along the years. God’s honor will always come in time for those who patiently wait on him”.

Temporary Custody Awarded

While this case was pending in Court, Pastor Quintero originally was granted with temporary custody of Jose, the minor child of the parties in this marriage, based on the attempt made by Miriam Carolina to take the child to her native city of Maracaibo, Venezuela. The Palm Beach County Family Court granted primary parent status to Pastor Norman Quintero, reaffirming the temporary order entered by the Rockwall County Texas Court, largely based on the poor, if not outright immoral behavior of the mother. Florida divorce law has distinct requirements and regulations that must be met before determining divorce parental custody.

Father Prevails, Mother Denied

In this rare case, the mother of the child and the wife in question was not granted child custody. After her actions were deemed unsatisfactory by the courts, it appears only right that the Pastor and husband be granted child custody and dissolution of the marriage be awarded. There really isn’t anything too crazy for divorce in today’s society. There’s always something wild and crazy occurring, no matter where in the world you may be.

5 thoughts on “Child Custody Awarded To Father When Mom Behaves Badly

  1. Dorthy Sterling

    You know, I have to tell you, I really enjoy this blog and the insight from everyone who participates. I find it to be refreshing and very informative. I wish there were more blogs like it. Anyway, I felt it was about time I posted.

  2. Cynthia Wheeler

    We don’t know what went on. The reality is Judges can say what they want becasue they have judicial immunity. Many times in family hearings tere isn’t any evidence only each persons perception. I know from first hand experience that many things the Courts says are untrue only on parties perception of what happened. There are many things that Courts can do but the Courts tend to adhere to old antiquated methods. Instead of enacting measures that encourage the family cooperation, the Courts approach family cases from an adversarial standpoint. That is great in civil lawsuits, criminal hearings etc. not when the best interest of the child is the focus. What about deisgnated exchange sites, that can document compliance with visitation. More shared custody that results from exhibiting a history of cooperation instead of a system that rewards the best mud slinger, and encourages showing the other parent inthe worst light. Too much technolgy exists that can prove if there is open communication, geotagging on phones etc. Websites that facilitate communicatins that can be documented through the Courts if timesharing are cancelled etc. The Courts need to put objective measures inplace to keep from being swayed by subjective complaints

  3. Juan

    Sad that the court would even side with this “pastor”/”attorney”/”loan expert”/thief. This guy has been investigated by District Attorneys from Florida to San Diego. He is phony, deceiving and plain evil who uses religion to target those less educated, less fortunate, and those who will listen to him for the simple fact that he is a supposed pastor.

    I met Norman when he attempted to take money from my parents for a loan modification prior to doing any type of work (illegal by the way). Fortunately, I was there and did not allow it. He was upset that we did not fall for his BS scheme, we were escorted out by him and we did not even get a “thank you” or “God bless” from this phony pastor. My mother on the other hand, turned to him before leaving and said, “God bless.” Let’s hope God does bless him and has some mercy because he has some dark times coming his way. He will pay for what he he has done one way or another.


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