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Monthly Archives: July 2012

Signs You're Heading For Divorce

Signs You’re Heading For Divorce

Sometimes it is difficult for people to tell when they’ve reached the point of no return in a relationship.  The following are several ways to know a relationship is over, whether it was doomed from the start, or has taken a definite turn for the worst.   No Desire to…

July 18th, 2012 Marriage Problems & Advice
How To File For Divorce Online

How To File For Divorce Online

The decision to get a divorce is never an easy one, but there’s no reason to make it any harder than you need to. The fastest and most painless way to get an uncontested divorce is to file for divorce online. Here’s how: The first step when filing for divorce…

July 17th, 2012 Divorce Forms Service, Do It Yourself Divorce, Online Divorce

The Worst Lawyer Commercials Of All Time

If you’ve ever watched daytime television, you know how great (and by great, I mean terrible) your local attorney commercials can be. I’ve culled the drudges of the Internet to find the best of the worst local attorney commercials so you don’t have to. Looking for a lawyer to hate?…

July 16th, 2012 Divorce Process, Divorce Settlement
Shortest Celebrity Marriages

20 Shortest Celebrity Marriages

The Hollywood lifestyle is characterized by whirlwind romances and glorifies the old cliché of “life in the fast lane.”  When you have the money to do whatever you want, it’s hard to find people that will tell you, “This probably isn’t a good idea.”  Here are the 20 shortest celebrity…

July 16th, 2012 Celebrity Divorce
History of Divorce

A Brief History of Divorce

Divorce is meant to be a new lease on life, but few know its true origins.  In Western society, we often assume that Henry VIII was the first recorded divorce, but that is not true.   The origins of divorce go back much further than a fat guy elbowing the executioner…

July 13th, 2012 Divorce Information
Strange Divorce Stories

5 Strange Divorce Stories

Marriage can drive couples to  do some of the most strange and peculiar things, but that’s nothing when compared to how far divorce will make some go. Half The House A couple  residing in rural Cambodia, ended their 18-year marriage when the husband suspected his wife was having an affair…

July 12th, 2012 Divorce Information

Alabama Divorce Papers Spark Movie Idea

Surprisingly, divorce is a great topic for cheesy romantic comedies. If you have seen the romantic comedy, Sweet Home Alabama, you know that the movie is about an ex-Southern girl turned New York fashionista who must go back to her Southern roots in Alabama in order to get her Alabama…

July 11th, 2012 Alabama divorce, Divorce Papers
Divorce Law in Alabama

What Divorce Law in Alabama is Like

The divorce law in Alabama states that a couple can legally divorce on the grounds of fault or no fault. If a couple files for a no-fault divorce, the reasons must be due to incompatibility of temperament, irretrievable breakdown, and voluntary abandonment from bed. However, a couple is automatically assumed…

July 10th, 2012 Alabama divorce, Divorce Law

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