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The Moment You Knew It Was Time To Sign The Divorce PapersMaking the decision to get out of a marriage may be one of the most difficult you’ll ever experience. Admitting that your vow of “till death do us part” failed resonates throughout your whole being and changes the trajectory of your life. The fact that it happens so often we’re no longer surprised by it, yet it continues to shape us in such a significant manner, is a testament to its power.

Perhaps there is nothing more shocking, disheartening, and (perhaps) even liberating than the moment where you officially discover that it’s time to leave. Here are some examples of how the Twitterverse knew it was time to sign the divorce papers.

(Hat tip to Huffington Post.)

Kathryn E. Irwin (@txrocks75): “…when I looked across the table at our 7th wedding anniv dinner & realized I had nothing left to say to him.” 

Communication is so important to the health and longevity of a marriage, but it can also be one of the most challenging when you’ve lived with someone for so long and know virtually everything about them. What do you continue to talk about? The key is to continually challenge yourselves and expand your horizons.

Tammy Delgado (@tvtams): “…when I was picked for prestigious confrnce in NY — he didn’t congratulate — asked who would watch our kids” 

Children can add stress to a marriage, but when you stop sharing your partner’s victories and instead make it about something else, you’re on the road to filing for divorce.

@NTMWriter: “…he came home drunk @ 2 am & I chked his phone & saw text: UR kiss was the best part of my night. DONE.” 

Cheating aside, what was particularly troubling about this response was the fact that the relationship had regressed to the point that he felt comfortable going out, getting intoxicated, and then coming home to his wife in an inebriated state. The situation lacks a certain level of maturity that should be required for a person to be married in the first place. No one’s saying you shouldn’t be able to have a good time with your friends, but if you have that little self control on an evening away from your spouse, then you probably aren’t ready for the commitment.

For myself, it was the unfortunate act of first suspecting and then stumbling across emails that left no doubt of the extramarital affair that had been happening under my nose.

As an online divorce site that specializes in helping couples through the difficult time of ending a marriage, we’re interested in you. What caused you to say, “No more”? Infidelity, lack of communication, absence of respect, or something else? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

One thought on “When Was The Moment You Knew It Was Time To Sign The Divorce Papers?

  1. James Charon

    What the husband did was really not a good thing anymore. Those deeds will definitely lead to a divorce but somehow, I think that it is best to confront the husband and let him realize what he is losing. Have a marriage counselling or something to see things from a different perspective or from a third person.


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